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Welcome To My TV website. I specialize in Angel, Buffy, and Charmed. However i will have photos info and everything else that the other shows have, if possible, on this website
This is where i vent and put out all my passion. I try to keep this website all new all the time. It has all the lasted updates and rummers that are spreaded around the web. Keep in mind all my info isn't always correct, although most of it is. I built this website becuase I want to show my apprecation to the TV world. I specialize in Angel, Buffy, and charmed. However I put as much info, photos, etc on the site for many shows that I find interesting.
Site Updates
This site is currently under construction. however i have completed many item and will keep working when i find the time. If you have any sugestions please send them to vjusa@hotmail.com . If you do please put in the subject, TV Coven website suggestion. You may also send any info, news, or just comments to me and i will post on site. Thats all for now. Laterz
- signed Price, Site creator
Welcome To My Home Page
This would also be a great place to include any new information or changes that you have made to your site recently. It is important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visits from your visitors.

TV Show Schedule

CHARMED- Sundays at 8pm on the WB

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If you could have any power, what would it be?

Faith is prepared and ready to kick some major Vampire ass.
Send an email to me if you need any help or have questions